INMETCO_Boxes_SortWhen Call2Recycle’s collections hit 100 million in 2014, we celebrated our 20th year of collections growth. However, along with this milestone comes a challenge: Making sure our sorting and processing infrastructure is just as robust to handle our continued increase in collections.

Managing back-end recycling operations is an important aspect of Call2Recycle’s operations. We want to ensure battery materials are recycled properly and waste is disposed of responsibly. We depend on service providers that follow the recycling and waste disposal protocols outlined by the Responsible Recycling (R2) and Basel Action Network (BAN), the world’s strictest standards for environmental safety and social responsibility.

To handle this anticipated growth, we kicked off an RFP process to seek sorting and processing providers for single-use and rechargeable batteries collected in Canada and the US late in late 2014. More than 30 interested proponents (from the US, Canada and internationally) responded.

We are now in the midst of an extensive review process that relies on the expertise of independent advisors to ensure transparency and fairness. The selection criteria is based on a combination of environmental result, safety and compliance, risk, customer service, cost and other factors. A committee of both Call2Recycle staff and independent advisors will announce the final selections beginning in late 2015 through early 2016.

For more information about the role of processors and sorters in the battery recycling process, click here.

Call2Recycle | United States